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August 22, 2018


Ditch Your Devices and Vices

Recently I have read the countless articles about screen addiction on the Internet and the effect on kids. Sometimes I find myself on my phone even though I won’t let my kids be on their tablets...This summer was supposed to be different. View full article →
March 23, 2017


Like Mother, Like Daughter

Introducing the Reversible Dress that “Gives Back”.
The Ivy and Alex Project is the collaborative efforts of a mother/daughter team and World Vision. Ivy stands for “I Value You” and Alex is the name of the ten-year-old girl who wanted to turn things around for kids in need. Wise beyond her years, Alex knew there were children in the world without the basics that most kids in Canada take for granted. A mother daughter chat sowed the seeds for a line of dresses that represented serious issues in the broader world community. For example:
• The “Pink Lemonade” dress helps provide a community in need with access to education and healthcare.
• The Pacific Blue dress helps provide clean water to a community in need.
• The Granny Smith Green dress serves up nutritious food a community in need.
• The Candy Apple Red dress will help children and families when an emergency
A donation is made directly to World Vision every time one of these dresses sells. Since the inception of this project, thousands of dresses have been sold, and it’s proof we can all make a significant difference in the lives of others!
Please join us in the Ivy & Alex Project to create a better world for those with less. Together we can “Turn it Around”.
Ivy & Alex dresses and accessories are available at They range
in price from $10.00 to $60.00.
Company Profile
Established in 2012, FlapJackKids is a Mississauga-based business that designs and
manufactures children’s reversible clothing and accessories of the finest workmanship
and quality. Each Ivy & Alex dress is designed to adapt as your child grows: what begins
as a dress becomes a tunic and then finally a top. All Ivy & Alex dresses are proudly
designed and hand crafted in Canada.
Jackie Dinsmore is the entrepreneurial spirit behind FlapJackKids. Originally a full-time in-house lawyer working long hours for the Toronto Star, Jackie felt she was missing out on the most formative years of her children’s lives. Although Jackie had never owned her own business or designed clothing for a living previously, she had a vision and a determination to succeed – key traits of all successful entrepreneurs. And it looks as if her daughter, Alex, shares this entrepreneurial spirit!SaveSaveSaveSave
May 25, 2016


Ivy & Alex works to get water projects all sewn up

Oakville Beaver

Alex Dinsmore is determined to change the world — one dress at a time.

The 11-year-old Oakville girl is the founder of Ivy & Alex. Working with her mom, Jacqueline and World Vision Canada, Alex is designing and selling dresses to raise money for initiatives around the world.

“I wanted to help other kids. I am so fortunate to have all of the things that I have and I wanted to help other people who aren’t as fortunate as me,” said Alex, a Grade 5 student at E.J. James Public School.

The cotton blend, A-line dresses are reversible, featuring a pattern on one side and solid colour on the other. The colour of each dress symbolizes what project the money will support.

The blue dress supports clean drinking water projects. The green dress helps provide nutritious meals. The pink dress will assist education and health initiatives. Proceeds from the red dress support programs for children in Canada.

The dresses, which are made in Canada, are designed to grow with you. They start as a dress, then can be worn as a tunic and then a shirt. Scrap material from the dresses are used to make hats and headbands.

The idea of reversible clothing came naturally to Alex. Jacqueline, who used to be a corporate lawyer, left that career to start FlapJack Kids, which sells reversible winter and sun hats for children.

“I was thrilled when Ali came up with this idea,” Jacqueline said. “I went from being a corporate lawyer to an entrepreneur with the idea of spending more time with family. But as an entrepreneur, it never shuts off. I feel sad about travelling a lot and working. Now we can go down the entrepreneurial path together. She can come with me to trade shows and to do interviews.

“We are making memories together. And no matter what happens, Ali spoke at World Vision headquarters to 500 people. The exposure, the public speaking, the confidence-building. I am thrilled to give her that experience.”

Alex has started an Indiegogo campaign to buy more fabric and help market the dresses at trade shows and to U.S. and Canadian stores. The campaign is halfway to its $15,000 goal.

The dresses are selling in local boutiques, including Glama Gal in Oakville, in hospital gift shops and on

Alex, who also enjoys playing soccer, volleyball and singing, loves to explain the name of her company.

“Alex is me. Ivy stands for I value you,” she said. “It represents all of the people we will help with this project.”

May 14, 2016


No Regrets

Today I want to write about no regrets. Guilt is a dirty word, but we feel it every day. Why do we feel this way? Who makes us feel this way? Why do we allow it?

As moms, we feel that our very essence of being is to give and to keep giving - which is a great thing! However, at some point, if someone says we don’t give enough, we feel guilt. Yuk. Many parents of today’s generation have let guilt play such havoc in their lives, that the pendulum then swings too far the other way...enter the “helicopter” parent.

The nagging sense of guilt isn’t good for anyone - resulting in kids who get trophies for just participating; us parents telling our kids they did a great job when they really didn't try very hard; and allowing that extra treat because we didn’t play hide and seek with them for long enough that day.

Enough with the guilt. Live as parents with no regrets. Our kids will turn out great, and probably even better if we don’t constantly feel guilty about what others say should be. 

I love my kids. I don't accept the guilt.

No regrets.

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